tisdag, september 26, 2006

The GUCH-book should be written, the cover is already here!

When I first saw Karolina Ådahl's book cover design and read her own words about it, I felt very affected. When regarding the cover, her personal dramatic experiences are there, close to my eyes. Real, like focused on with heavy spot lights. This is what she writes:

Book cover design bye Karolina Ådahl, the front cover with a picture of her own model heart and the back showing the scar from her last surgery

I chose to design a cover for a book that I myself would like to see published; a book about GUCH (Grown-Ups with Congenital Heart disease).
Since I'm one of those grown-ups, I feel the need to do everything possible to reach out to the public with information about our conditions so that all GUCH:ers can be better understood.

I created my book cover in a black and white color scheme, since many people with heart conditions look at the world in either black or white; sickness or health, life or death. The model heart on the front page is mine, I took a photograph of it and did clean-up in Photoshop CS2 before placing it in InDesign CS2. The picture on the back shows the scar from the last surgery I had.

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