tisdag, oktober 03, 2006

Like choosing the right clothes

Two other magazine spread designs created in the DP-course

Magazine designs differ a lot, and good communication is, besides valuable information in text, photos and illustrations, the easy-to-read layout and the right style of the design as a whole. It's a bit like choosing the right clothes for the right occasion. I think it's amazing to study these two examples, both of them so well fitted for their different destinations.

This is how Karolina Ådahl explains her what and why:

– I tried to create a clean spread for a medical magazine. I shot two of the pictures myself (auto-portraits) and borrowed the third one, the medicinal bottle, off the Internet. The "tape" which is attached to the pictures was created in Photoshop CS2.
The reason why this article is about nail biting is because I suffer from thi
s problem and am trying to quit.

Linda Häll tells another story:

– I chose a magazine for people interested in dogs. My idea is to put this layout in the centrespread, where every month there will be a presentation of another breed of dog. I have worked with the photos in Photoshop, and the big photo to the right is of my own dog.

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